Moved inside Cinema Prado : due to likely rain
Friday August 22nd : Sitges Film Club
€6 Entrance
11pm 23.00hrs
Hort Can Falç – Sitges Central Park
- Screening of the film Pulp Fiction by Cine Club Sitges
- 20th anniversary of the film
- By Quentin Tarantino in O.v (original language)
- Collaborates with the campaign “digitizes Prado!”
(An effort to Digitise the Prado Cinema projectors) - Ticket allows free access to after Party at nightclub Ricky ‘s
In advance at the box office of the Film Prado Cinema from 17: 30 h to 10: 30 p.m. During Thurs,Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday
Hort Can Falç – Orchard Gardens Can Sickle :
Carreró de Can Falç, s/n 08870 Sitges “Sitges a la Fresca”
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Part of Fiesta Mayor – Festa Major 2014