Best spot for…
the amazing fireworks of Sitges Fiesta Mayor – Festa Major
2014 : UPDATE
The use of the stone getty’s to add fireworks along the promanade, along the waters edge negates the advise below.
Now the beach is the best view, amongst the crowds, so get a spot early.
We recommend the 2nd Stone Getty almost opposite the Pic nic Restaurant.
Slightly towards the Church, which is the centre piece of the event
This position is close enough to see the fireworks that adorn the historic church and bell tower, with the sea in between allowing the water to reflect the colours. Along with seeing the fireworks, set out on and along the waters edge.
But far enough away to see the high fireworks without tilting (craning) your neck too much.
Alternatively the 1st Stone Getty opposite the El Primer Chiringuito is good too. More immersive with high fireworks overhead, but harder to see them.
For those that have experienced the vent a few times, further along Sitges promenade allows for a less busy (packed) environment, and a full view of the high fireworks and church in the distance.
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In any case…
we gladly meet up with tourists who want to watch with expats via our contact form or locals who wish to join our ‘Friends & Fun in Sitges’ MeetUP Group in order to get together:
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